Friday, January 29, 2010


*** A Man Living with Half of a Body ***

Peng Shuilin had half of his body amputated after being run over by a truck.

But he never gave up!

His recovery has amazed surgeons after almost two years undergoing a series of operations.

The vice-president of the hospital where this 37-year old Chinese man has been treated said:

"He is amazing and the only person in the world to survive having so much of his body amputated..

He's doing well now and has opened his own bargain supermarket - called

The Half Man-Half Price Store.

That's incredible.

It seems nothing can get him down ."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

人生在世, 最重要的是亲情和友情. 人与人之间的相处需要坦诚相向, 真心对待.

人如果为了一己的私利, 因一念之差, 连跟亲朋好友的相处与互动中也想谋取私利; 或常以小人之心度君子之腹, 谗言惑众, 造谣中伤, 企图破坏亲友之间的和气. 此番作为, 不仅仅令亲友汗颜, 难以信服; 其心也难安!!

俗话云:人在做, 天在看; 世间的因果循环并非虚幻. 最重要的是悬崖勒马, 及时回头.

不管你是高官厚禄, 或是次等良民, 只要是凡夫俗子都会犯下错误 . 人都是有良知的动物, 都知道是非曲直, 只要勇敢的去面对现实, 坦然接受评责, 从错误中觉悟得失的关键作用, 人生的道路将会舒坦宽畅得多!
